Massifs is a series of images made in response to the disposal of 80,000 tonnes of mud in an underwater sandbank known as Cardiff Grounds, which is located approximately 1.8 miles from the Cardiff coastline. Discussions around the safety of the mud and plans to dispose of up to 800,000 tonnes are currently ongoing between the energy company, EDF, the UK government and Natural Resources Wales. The plans for further dredging and dumping of the mud have been met with fierce opposition from local environmental groups, due to the lack of information and consultation with the people most affected.

Through the exploration of information this project asks questions about the effect on local communities, as well as the environmental impact, of dumping potentially harmful contaminated mud very close to a city. The work also touches on the mutually beneficial exchanges between governments and corporate entities, as well as the citizens and wildlife affected by, but without a say regarding, their actions. Do governments have a legal or moral duty to protect their citizens?

The images in this series have been made along the Welsh coast line, from Cardiff to Barry Island. This is the area of the coast line that will be most affected by any contamination.

Cyfres o ddelweddau yw Massifs a wnaed mewn ymateb i waredu 80,000 tunnell o fwd mewn banc tywod tanddwr o’r enw Tiroedd Caerdydd, sydd oddeutu 1.8 milltir o arfordir Caerdydd. Mae trafodaethau ynghylch diogelwch y mwd a chynlluniau i waredu hyd at 800,000 tunnell yn parhau ar hyn o bryd rhwng y cwmni ynni, EDF, llywodraeth y DU ac Adnoddau Naturiol Cymru. Mae’r grwpiau ar gyfer carthu a dympio’r mwd ymhellach wedi cael gwrthwynebiad chwyrn gan grwpiau amgylcheddol lleol, oherwydd y diffyg gwybodaeth ac ymgynghori â’r bobl yr effeithiwyd arnynt fwyaf.

Trwy archwilio gwybodaeth mae’r prosiect hwn yn gofyn cwestiynau am effaith dympio mwd halogedig a allai fod yn niweidiol yn agos iawn at ddinas. Mae’r gwaith hefyd yn cyffwrdd â’r cyfnewidiadau sydd o fudd i’r ddwy ochr rhwng llywodraethau ac endidau corfforaethol, yn ogystal â’r dinasyddion a bywyd gwyllt y mae eu gweithredoedd yn effeithio arnynt, ond heb ddweud eu dweud.

A oes gan lywodraethau ddyletswydd gyfreithiol neu foesol i amddiffyn eu dinasyddion?

Mae’r delweddau yn y gyfres hon wedi’u gwneud ar hyd llinell arfordir Cymru, o Gaerdydd i Ynys y Barri. Dyma ardal llinell yr arfordir y bydd unrhyw halogiad yn effeithio fwyaf arni.

Every time the tide comes in particles travel up to 10km in land